ETMUN                                                                   Sponsored by Alefredo Books

ETMUN Sponsored by Alefredo Books

بهدف دعم عقول الشباب والمساعدة في التطوير، وإيماننا بأهمية تثقيف وتنمية الجيل القادم، وبالتعاون مع مدرسة المواهب الدولية ، قامت Alefredo Books برعاية مشروع نموذج الأمم المتحدة لتعزيز مهارات الطلبة في مختلف النواحي. 🌟 سيتم عقد هذه الفعالية في فندق الشيراتون عمان في تاريخ 30 تشرين الثاني – 2 كانون الأول 2023. 📘✨ To nurture […]

“New Partnership: Alefredo Educational Solutions and Bridge International for Overseas Study Services on Wednesday 19 Jun , 2023”

“New Partnership: Alefredo Educational Solutions and Bridge International for Overseas Study Services on Wednesday 19 Jun , 2023”

“We are excited to announce a new partnership between Alefredo Educational Solutions and Bridge International for Overseas Study Services. This collaboration aims to enhance educational services and provide outstanding study opportunities for students looking to study abroad. Students will benefit from the combined expertise and services of both companies, creating a unique educational experience. We […]

The team meeting was held at Alefredo Books company on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

The team meeting was held at Alefredo Books company on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

تم عقد اجتماع الفريق في شركة الفريدو بوكس يوم الاربعاء May 10 2023 حيث تم التركيز على التطوير المستمر وتحسين عمليات الشركة ,حيث حضر جميع اعضاء الفريق الاجتماع وتبادولوا الافكار والمقترحات لتحسين العمليات وتحقيق اهداف الشركة , تم التركيز على أهمية الابتكار والتحديث المستمر لضمان تلبية احتياجات الزبائن والمساهمة في نجاحهم , تم تحديد خطط […]

Alefredo’s CEO joins the panel at Umniah Entrepreneurship Incubator event (the tank by Umniah)

Alefredo’s CEO joins the panel at Umniah Entrepreneurship Incubator event (the tank by Umniah)

Where Umniah celebrated the journey of success and achievements of 20 startups incubated at The Tank, in the presence of a group of local and regional businessmen and investors, in addition to a number of interested and supportive of the entrepreneurship process in the Kingdom مشاركة الفريدو بوكس في حفل شركة امنية للشركات الناشئةThe Tank […]

Sell your courses and summaries with Alefredo Books

Sell your courses and summaries with Alefredo Books

This will enable teachers achieve the highest benefit, free from any kind of complication through its mechanism. Kinds of products: . Papers, they come as books or booklets, we have so far covered 3 counties: Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia .Digital, we give protection to the pdf documents, to enable the worldwide buyers/ […]

Alefredo Books Supports IECMUN 23

Alefredo Books Supports IECMUN 23

  To support Youth and young minds, In cooperation with the international schools of @the Islamic Educational College, Alefredo Books have sponsored IECMUN’23 At a MUN conference, students work as the representative of a country, organization, or person, and must solve a problem with other delegates from around the world. MUN teaches participants skills like […]

Meet the new board of directors at Alefredo Books

Meet the new board of directors at Alefredo Books

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new members to our board of directors at Alefredo Books as the following: Professor Anas Alsoud, a professor of Informatics (electronic business and commerce). Dr Anas holds a BSc in computer information systems from the University of Jordan (2006), MSc in managing information technology from Salford […]

Social Entrepreneurship Summit Award 2021

Social Entrepreneurship Summit Award 2021

We are delighted and proud to announce that, Alefredo Books have been chosen as winners of the “Social Entrepreneurship Summit Award 2021” فخورون بحصول شركة ألفريدو بوكس على جائزة الشركات الريادية ذات الأثر المجتمعي للعام 2021

Alefredo Books; A New Era for Used Books

Alefredo Books; A New Era for Used Books

When we were students, the first thing we thought after the end of the school year was, what should I do with my used books? Should we keep them for a sibling, a relative, or a neighbor, or should we return them to school, stack them, and forget about them? The concept of reusing the […]

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