Frequently Asked Questions
Sell Books

You can sell your books through our website:, select “Sell your book” category, then create an account or sign in if you are already registered. After that, you can start listing the books you want to sell by entering the book’s ISBN. 
Once another customer has ordered your book, we will contact you to purchase the book.

After you have registered the book you’d like to sell on our website We will buy your book once another customer orders it.

Yes. Alefredo books earn a commission percentage of the sale, and it varies depending on the book’s price. The percentage will appear on the website when setting the book’s price

The book owner can set the selling price through “Alefredo books” website after filling in the main book’s information. Please note that Alefredo books will help you set a price by showing you the average selling price for this book, but you are free to choose otherwise, depending on the condition of your book


Yes. We provide past papers, educational courses, and educational products for children.

To cultivate and encourage a culture of reusing books among people and students.
Promote respect for intellectual property and prevent photocopying by providing students the opportunity to buy used books.
Preserve the environment by saving trees and reducing landfill waste.
Help students save money as used books may cost you only half the rate of new books. By buying them, you may cut costs and buy more books with that money you have saved. 

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number, composed of 13 digits and you can find it on the back cover of the book

1- Used Books Marketplace for (IGCSE AP ACT IB SAT Check Point and More)
2- Past Papers and teacher summaries (Digital and Paper format)
3- Mock Exams and quizzes platform


Yes. Delivery service is available to all governorates of Jordan.

The order will be delivered within 24 hours

Book refund terms, it will be ensured that the book was returned in the same Status in which the customer received it, otherwise the book will not be returned

AlfredoBooks will bear the costs of return shipping in the event of an error from the company, otherwise these costs are borne by the customer

If you face any problems, please Contact Us