Apple International School Books
The Apple International School Library contains over 10,000 books and other resources, including audio books, videos, atlases, magazines, and E-books. The library encourages reading and is a favorite spot of the tiniest tots. Reading helps students develop their social and communication skills. Apple students have access to thousands of books on topics including art, science, and history. Students of all ages will enjoy browsing the library, whether it’s the Foundation Stage or the Upper School.

Apple Academic Press
With a focus on cutting-edge books for schools, academic libraries, and higher learning, Apple Academic Press publishes top-quality titles for the classroom and professional library. As an independent publisher, Apple Academic Press works with other publishers to produce and distribute its books internationally. Each title reflects the highest standards of quality and production. You can count on quality content and a timely delivery of your books. Find out why Apple is the publisher of choice for educators and students across the globe.
AAP started publishing about 20 books per year in 2008, and now has over 120 titles annually. As of 2022, the press has more than 800 titles in print and 120 more titles on the way. In addition to print titles, Apple Academic Press works with CRC Press, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, to manage its distribution and marketing. All AAP titles are available in ebook and print versions, and content licensing is handled by the Copyright Clearance Center, Publishers’ Licensing Services, and Copyright Agency Australia.
If you are an author looking for a new publisher, you can submit your manuscript through regular post. Include a working title and description, an overview of the book, an estimated word count, and a sample chapter. If the publisher shows interest in your work, they will contact you to arrange delivery of the full manuscript. However, it may take up to eight weeks before they make a decision. And while this may sound like a lot of work, you should be patient and wait until the right publisher responds to your submission.
CRC Press
Academic books are a key part of any student’s education, and a wide variety of educational materials can be found through Apple Academic Press. The company started out publishing 20 books a year, but now publishes more than 120 a year, with over 800 titles already in print and an additional 120 in development. AAP has partnered with CRC Press, an academic publishing company part of the Taylor & Francis Group, for the purpose of co-publishing its books. In addition to providing print editions, the two companies have made ebook versions of their books available through major ebook vendors worldwide.
Apple Academic Press and CRC Press are the two main publishers of educational books for schools and institutions worldwide. Together, they offer books in a wide range of subject areas, including science, mathematics, engineering, and business. In addition to publishing books for educators, CRC Press publishes textbooks in the fields of forensics, information technology, and other disciplines. CRC Press is part of the Taylor & Francis Group, which is a subsidiary of Informa.
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