Do you have ‘Past papers’ or a‘test books’?

Yes, we have past papers for: IG: Primary 5+6 grade, Secondary 7+8, O level 9+10, and A level 11+12 (Edexcel and Cambridge). AP (free response question). IB (standard level 9+10, higher-level 11+12). Test books: 400 hundred (multiple-choice) questions with answers and explanations, available for SAT, AP, and ACT.

How can I sell my books?

You can sell your books through our website:, select “Sell your book” category, then create an account or sign in if you are already registered. After that, you can start listing the books you want to sell by entering the book’s ISBN. Once another customer has ordered your book, we will contact you to […]

What are the objectives of Alfredo Books Company?

To cultivate and encourage a culture of reusing books among people and students. Promote respect for intellectual property and prevent photocopying by providing students the opportunity to buy used books. Preserve the environment by saving trees and reducing landfill waste. Help students save money as used books may cost you only half the rate of […]